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How to Uninstall AutoCut?

On Premiere Pro


Uninstall AutoCut on Windows

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Go to the following folder: %appdata%\Adobe\CEP\extension\.
  3. Delete the folder fr.toolpad.autoCut.
  4. AutoCut is now uninstalled.

Delete temporary files

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Go to the folder: %temp%.
  3. Delete the folder AutoCut.
  4. All temporary files of AutoCut are now deleted.


Uninstall AutoCut on MacOS

  1. Open Finder and click on Go to.
  2. Paste the following path: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/.
  3. Delete the folder fr.toolpad.autoCut.
  4. AutoCut is now uninstalled.

Delete temporary files

  1. Open Finder and click on Go to.
  2. Paste the following path: ~/Library/Logs/fr.toolpad.autoCut.
  3. Delete the content of the folder.
  4. All temporary files of AutoCut are now deleted.

AutoCut is now completely uninstalled!

Hope to see you again soon! 😁