AutoZoom Settings

AutoZoom is a powerful feature that automatically adds zoom effects to your videos. Here's how to configure the various settings to get the most out of this feature.

Anchor Point

The anchor point is where AutoZoom will focus its zooms. It's crucial to set this point on the main subject of your video to ensure the zooms are well-centered.

Set AutoZoom Anchor Point

Maximum Zoom Percentage

Set the maximum zoom percentage using the preview and the red dashed rectangle that represents the maximum zoom level. AutoZoom will apply zooms between 100% and the defined percentage.

Set Maximum Zoom %

Types of Zoom

There are two types of zooms you can use. Select both or only the one that best fits your project:

  • Smooth Zoom: Zoom with smooth transitions (keyframes).
  • Dynamic Zoom: Sudden zooms without transitions, adding a more energetic feel to the video.

We recommend using both for the best results.

AutoZoom Types

Total Zoom Coverage

Determine the percentage of the video that will be affected by zooms. For example, for a 10-minute video:

  • 100% -> Approximately 10 minutes of the video will be zoomed.
  • 25% -> Approximately 2.5 minutes of the video will be zoomed.

AutoZoom Coverage

Smooth Zoom Settings

If you have chosen to use the "Smooth Zoom" feature, you can adjust the following settings:

  • Smooth Zoom Coverage Rate: Defines the proportion of "Smooth Zooms" compared to "Dynamic Zooms".
  • Nervousness: Controls the speed of zoom transitions. The higher the nervousness, the faster the zooms.
  • Maximum Zoom Duration: Determines the maximum duration of a smooth zoom.

Smooth Zoom Settings

Dynamic Zoom Settings

If you have chosen to use the "Dynamic Zoom" feature, you can adjust these settings:

  • Dynamic Zoom Coverage Rate: Defines the proportion of "Dynamic Zooms" compared to "Smooth Zooms".
  • Maximum Zoom Duration: Determines the maximum duration of a dynamic zoom.

Dynamic Zoom Settings

Constrain Zoom to Clips

Enable this option to prevent zooms from overlapping cuts in your timeline. If this option is disabled, zooms will be applied regardless of cuts.

Tip: We recommend setting this to "yes".

Constrain AutoZoom

By properly configuring these settings, you'll maximize the visual impact of your videos with AutoZoom, making your content more engaging and professional.