AutoCut Silences Settings

Noise Level

The Noise Level is the volume in dB of the background noise. Silences are all segments below this threshold.

noise level

Padding Size

The padding size indicates the number of seconds added at the beginning and the end of each cut. This prevents cutting off the start or end of a word. AutoCut Silences has two padding settings: padding at the beginning and padding at the end. In the preview, paddings are shown in light green.

padding size

Silence and Speech Duration

AutoCut offers two important settings to manage silences and speech:

  • "Remove silences longer than": The minimum duration (in seconds) of a silence to be removed. If the silence is shorter, it will be kept.
  • "Remove sounds shorter than": The minimum duration (in seconds) of a sound to be kept. If the sound is shorter, it will be removed.
silence duration

Silence Management

AutoCut Silences offers four options for managing silences:

  • Remove silences (default): Cuts and removes the silences. This is the most commonly used option in AutoCut Silences.
  • Keep silences: Only cuts the silences but does not remove them.
  • Mute silences: Cuts and mutes the silences, similar to noise suppression.
  • Remove silences but keep spaces: Cuts and removes the silences, but does not bring clips closer together.

silence management


AutoCut Silences allows you to choose from five transition options between cuts:

  • No transition (default): No transition will be applied, cuts will be sharp.
  • J-Cut: Applies a J-Cut to each cut.
  • L-Cut: Applies an L-Cut to each cut.
  • J & L-Cut: Applies both J & L-Cut to each cut.
  • Constant Power: Applies Premiere Pro's