Become an AutoCut Silences Expert

Here are some tips to master AutoCut Silences to perfection 😎

Master the Noise Level

The noise level is the most crucial parameter of AutoCut Silences. Here are some tips to set it perfectly:

  • Use the preview and place your cursor on your timeline at a moment where there are both silences and speech over a 10-second duration. This will help you adjust the noise level more easily.
  • Decibels are always expressed in negative values: -10 dB is louder than -40 dB.

Maximize the Use of Preview

The preview is an indispensable tool for AutoCut Silences! Generate it as soon as you are satisfied with your selection, even before setting the noise level and silence size. AutoCut Silences will perform the necessary audio exports for its analysis, and updates will then be very fast.

Place the cursor at a moment where there are silences and speech over 10 seconds and adjust the settings to get the desired result. This way, you can run AutoCut Silences with confidence, certain of getting an optimal result!

Avoid Very Short Durations

For the "silence size" and "margin" settings, it is recommended not to set very short durations. Below 50 milliseconds, cuts may be too abrupt. We have found that the best results are obtained with settings set to 100 milliseconds.

Master All Transitions

AutoCut Silences allows you to manage transitions according to your preferences. Default transitions as well as J-Cut and L-Cut are ideal for very dynamic videos, while the "constant power" transition will soften the transitions.

Ignore Audio Tracks of Music and Game Sounds

For optimal results with AutoCut Silences, it is crucial to know how to ignore audio tracks you don't want to apply silence detection to but still apply silence removal. This allows AutoCut Silences to focus its analysis only on the relevant tracks.
To learn how to ignore audio tracks, check out this article: How to Ignore an Audio Track on AutoCut Silences

By applying these tips, you will quickly become an AutoCut Silences expert, allowing you to optimize your productivity!