Using AutoCut Podcast with a Single Camera

It's entirely possible to use AutoCut Podcast with just one camera. Here's how to do it, taking an example podcast with two participants:

One camera Setup

Ensure Each Participant Has a Dedicated Microphone

For the detection to work correctly, each participant must have their own microphone.

Create Additional Video Tracks

From the single camera track, create two new video tracks:

  • Track V2: Zoom in on Adrian.
  • Track V3: Zoom in on Alexandre.

Result: Three Video Tracks from One Camera

This will give you three distinct video tracks from the single camera.

Wide shot AutoCut PodcastAdrian Plan PodcastAlexandre Plan Podcast

Setting Up the Timeline

Your timeline in Premiere Pro should look like this:

One camera timeline

Configuring AutoCut Podcast

Configure AutoCut Podcast as follows for optimal editing:

Speaker Settings

Adrian and Alexandre are the two participants:

  • Adrian's microphone is on track A1.
  • Alexandre's microphone is on track A2.

One Camera Speakers Settings

Camera Settings

Adrian and Alexandre both appear in track V1, Adrian appears alone in track V2 (since we zoomed in on him), and Alexandre appears alone in track V3 (since we zoomed in on him).

One Camera Cameras settings

By following these steps, you can use AutoCut Podcast even with a single camera and achieve a professional edit with regular camera changes that make the editing dynamic!