Become an Expert on AutoCaptions

Discover our tips for mastering AutoCaptions and generating the best captions for your videos.

Create Your Presets

We recommend creating your own presets for AutoCaptions. Beyond saving time on your projects by quickly selecting a pre-made template, you will also develop a unique identity. By using the customization tools, you can create captions that reflect your style and help you stand out.

Feel free to share your presets with the AutoCut community to let our users discover your creations!

Suggested Workflow

For optimal use of AutoCaptions, we recommend following this workflow:

  1. Change Style: Choose parameters that you like (colors, size, borders, etc.).
  2. Import Captions: When you import the captions, you will be able to visualize the output on your timeline.
  3. Return to the Editor: After importing your captions, you will have a visual of your captions and their output, making it easier to modify based on what has already been imported.
  4. Re-cut Captions: By comparing to what has already been imported, you can correct and review your cuts more easily, following in real-time on your Premiere Pro timeline.